Thursday, January 17, 2008

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Life.

The Novels

The novels Hatchet and Forbidden City can be compared easily because they both describe stories of teenagers facing conflict and struggle. The similarities and differences between both books are the shown in the conflicts between the main characters and themselves, their one can see that they both deal with the overall topic of teenagers coming of age and creating their own identity through challenges and difficulties.

In the novels Hatchet and Forbidden City, the similarities and the differences are within families. The first example of this is that both the main characters, Brian and Alex, came form families with divorced parents. Brian felt angry when his parents got divorced same as Alex. They both felt careworn. Brian felt really torn with his parents divorce as he said:” Divorce, it was an ugly word…Brian felt his eyes burn… and knew there would be tears…the seeping tears.”(Hatchet, p.2-3). Alex also felt like his world was falling apart, when he said:” My whole world fell apart… I had a hard time understanding what was going on and why.” (Forbidden City p15.) The main characters have some differences too. For example, Alex live with his dad, meanwhile Brian lives with his mom.

Secondly, the differences between the novels is the conflict between the society. An example of this is that both the main characters where having problems fitting in the environment they were in. Since Alex was in a different country where they had different a different culture and language, therefore he felt clueless and homesick as he said: “I was getting sick and tired of feeling like I was deaf, dumb and blind…never knowing what was going on around me.” (Forbidden City, p.51). Whereas Brian was struggling everyday trying to fight hunger and find a shelter, as he said: “Long tears…he felt the hunger sharpen…he had to eat.” (Hatchet p68). Another difference is that Alex was in the Tian An Men square massacre, whereas Brian was facing nature.

Finally, the similarities and differences between the two main character’s struggle for identity are the challenges they face. First of all, both the main characters are adventurous and have a strong personality. Both Alex and Brian were lost, but Alex was struggling through the awful massacre in Tian An Men square, unlike Brian who was surviving the tough wilderness. Another similarity is that they both matured. Alex changed his attitude toward military history, and lost the respect he had for them as he quote: “You bastard…you bloody bastard.”(Forbidden City p255). Brian’s lifestyle changed too, he thinks differently now when they quoted: “He had become more thoughtful…he would think differently.” (Hatchet p187).

In conclusion, the two novels Hatchet and Forbidden City share some differences and similarities about the struggles of teenagers to face challenges and mature. The novels show two teenage boys mature as they struggle for survival. Both characters have dealt with life threatening situations, and they were able to survive. Those conflicts made them better people. They appreciate life more now. Brian and Alex are sensitive now. They look at life in a different perspective. In summary, Brian and Alex have learned more about life, through the experiences they had.

My Blog Reflection!!!

Using a blog might be really helpful to students. I think using a blog is a great idea to do projects, but it might be less creative than doing a poster. Through a blog, we are putting our computer skills to the test. The idea of using a blog for our project, was really exciting. We got to make our own blog, write interesting paragraphs about our life, and add pictures, posts and videos to it. My blog reflects my personality. I think using a blog is an advanced way of learning, but I would rather work on a project with a group of classmates, because it would be more fun, and we could all share our ideas and discuss them too. I think using a blog is a great and a new way for doing projects.

On my Birthday!!!

Every girl's birthday is supposed to be her special day, where you have fun with your friends and family, wear fancy clothes, and eat delicious food. But not mine. It all started 7 years ago on my birthday. Everything was perfect. The house was decorated, the food looked great, and I looked like a princess, until my mom asked me to go and get something from the car. I took the elevator down, and suddenly it stopped. I started pressing random buttons, but it wasn't working. I was frightened, so I started yelling as loud as I could and knocking on the elevator door. Suddenly my neighbour heard, and called for help. Within a few minutes I was out with my family. I was still shocked and scared but once the party started I forgot about everything. This is one of the worst childhood memories I ever had.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

An Interview With My Dad.

The person I chose to interview is really close to me. He is always there for me when I need him. He has a wonderful life and a great career. His hard work throughout the years has got him to where he is right now. This person encourages me every step I take. This person is my dad.

1.What year did you graduate university in ?
I graduated in December, 1983.

2.How was school in your time different from ours?
The curriculum and the way we were taught was much different from today. We also had stricter rules.

3.What is the career you chose?
I graduated with a business and administration certificate and now I work in accounting.

4.What was the best job you got?Why?
The best job I got was in Saudi Arabia. I was an area accounter. I really liked this job because I was in a high position that paid a good salary. I gained a lot of experience from this job.

5.What was your best childhood memory?
When I was 10 years old, my dad used to take me with him to work. This is one of the best childhood memories I have.

6. Which one of your high school years was the best and why?
My best high school year was grade 12 because my friends and I felt like we were maturing. We were also excited for university.

7.What did you do for fun when you were my age?
When I was your age, we didn't have all those places like malls, arcades we played soccer and went to movies. But they weren't as advanced as they are right now.

8.Why did you choose the career you are in right now?
I chose business and administration because I was interested in these courses and consequently did very well in them.

9.Did you have anyone that influenced you while you were growing up ?
My older brother influenced me while I was growing up. He was extremely talented, and he was the prefect guy who made everyone jealous.

10.Do you have any advice that you would like to give to people who are just starting their career?
The advice I would give to those who are starting to make career choices is to make sure you choose subjects that you like in university or college. That is probably the most important step in your life.

11.What was the hardest thing in university?
The hardest thing in university was the amount of homework we got and how difficult the work was.

12.Have you done anything in your life that you regret?
I regret leaving Saudi Arabia in 1987, and going back to Lebanon.

13.Did you have any pets when you were growing up ?
When I was growing up, I had a monkey called Tigichampa.

14.How many brothers and/or sisters do you have? Do you get along better with your brother(s) or sister(s)?
I have 5 brothers and 3 sisters. I got along well with both my brothers and my sisters, but we sometimes fought about what channel we should watch, since we only had one TV.

Carleton Students - Net Support to Stop Malaria

Carleton University students are having a campaign to raise money and buy mosquito nets to help save lives in the area of Uganda. The Anti-Malaria campaign's goal is to raise $7400 to buy these nets for a village in the district of Uganda. They are going to buy 600 nets for a village of 646 people. Emily Rubomboras, the president of the CEASA, said that "Malaria kills more times than HIV," and Malaria is treatable. The students are working with other organizations, like His Nets, which will match donations, dollar for dollar.

Malaria usually affects pregnant women and children, in swampy areas. Rubombores also mentioned that nets are affordable. A net costs as much as 2 McDonald's meals. In addition to this campaign, other universities are also getting involved with this project. Another campaign that has started is Spreading the Net.

"When You're Gone"

"When You're Gone", is a wonderful song by Avril Lavigne. This song is emotional and sensitive. It talks about the suffering a person goes through when they lose someone that is close to them and the pain of seeing a loved one in danger. The words of the song are very powerful. They emphasize the pain of having a broken heart. The music and lyrics in this song demonstrate emotions that truly touch your heart.

I think the best part of the song is when she says:"When you're gone, the pieces of my heart are missing you..." This describes the feelings that a parent of a soldier in Afghanistan may feel. Knowing that their child might be in danger. Or the feeling that you have when when you are away from your family and friends. "When You're Gone" is a breathtaking and expressive song.

Those are some of the lyrics of the song:
I always needed time on my own I never thought I'd need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie is made up on your side
When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
All the words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK I miss you

New ESl Students and Immigrants

Notre Dame High School and the City of Ottawa offer a wide variety of programs for new ESL students and immigrant families. The ESL program at school helps students learn English, and make friends from other cultures. This helps these students adapt to our school. Secondly, the school organizes field trips for the ESL classes, so they can get to know the city. Our school also has multicultural teachers that speak different languages. Notre Dame High School hosts dinners for new ESL families so teachers and administrators have an opportunity to get to know each family. By getting to know these families they are able to help them out and make them feel welcome. On the other hand, the City of Ottawa also helps immigrant families. For example, they have brochures about the city and offer schools in different languages. They also help new immigrant families find jobs and schools that are suitable for their kids. In my neighbourhood, we have schools for newcomers to learn English. The employees at our community centre are multicultural. We also have schools that teach Arabic and Spanish in my community. The City of Ottawa and Notre Dame High School help to make new immigrant families feel welcome and comfortable in their new country.

Monday, January 14, 2008

All About Me!!!

My name is Jana. I'm Lebanese. I live with my parents and brothers. My younger brother is 7 years old and his name is Jamil. My older brother is 15 years old and his name is Ali. I play a few sports such as field hockey and soccer. I love reading books especially adventures and non-fiction books. I think reading will improve my English and at the same time strengthen my reading skills. I enjoy spending time with friends and helping others in need. Since, I'm a vegetarian, my favourite foods are salads and my mom's special mashed potatoes. In my free time, or when I'm doing my homework, I listen to music. I'd rather listen to music that carries a message through it's words. I mostly listen to Avril Lavigne, especially the song: "When You're Gone" which is a great song that talks about how hard it its to lose someone you love. I also listen to some old Arabic songs. One of my favourite movies is the "Pursuit of Happiness". It is a brilliant movie. It shows how hard life is and that if we work hard, we will accomplish the goals we set for ourselves. I have already set some of my own future goals. One is to become a surgeon and build a family. Another goal I would like to achieve is to build a shelter for homeless and orphan kids. I believe that every child has the right to live peacefully. Ultimately, every child deserves to live the same life I lived. Children need a home and a family and I want to give them that by building a shelter. My final goal is to live my life to the fullest, to enjoy every moment of it.